Monday 20 February 2017

Review: Jackie

Pablo Larrain's haunting and intimate portrait of one of the most iconic and tragic events in American history seen through the eyes of Jackie Kennedy, is the acclaimed Chilean's first venture into an English speaking movie, and he does not disappoint.
He creates a melancholic and eerie atmosphere throughout the movie largely helped by Mica Levi's encapsulating score and Stรฉphane Fontaine's excellent cinematography along with a raw and highly emotional turn by Natalie Portman as Jackie Kennedy. Such is the familiarity that the director enables its audience to experience throughout this movie you almost feel intrusive in the grief of what must have been a very trying and difficult time for the former first lady.
Natalie Portman captures that overwhelming grief yet unmistakable steely determination and stubbornness of Jackie Kennedy and is rightly regarded as the favourite to take home the Oscar for Best Actress in this years Academy Awards.
Overall, a highly emotional, haunting and personal journey through an iconic time in world history that adds to the already impressive catalogue of a movie director with undoubtable talents in the infancy of  what promises to be an highly illustrious career.

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